A4: 2D Surface Design

 “There is a process behind every design work — a thought process. The process goes beyond design itself.”

                   卍 Swastika

The piece combines personal belief and religion, and is an innovative of the 卍 (two Z right turns). 卍, the symbol of Buddhism, means auspicious. The design adds two short lines and one long line at each of the four ends of the 卍, and there is no frame around it, which symbolizes infinite beauty. Meanwhile, negative space, color gradient and visual illusion are used to create a low-relief effect. It will be widely used  to construction, clothing, home decoration and other fields.

This blog contains two parts: photos and design. The former is the inspiration for the latter. Peer feedback provided an essential reference when discussing feasibility options.

Part 1: Ten Photos

    Easy and Casual Shooting (handrails)

    The Letter “H”

When I was in the process of editing the photo on my computer, I accidentally got the "H". Maybe it is a part of the "house", and "home" is a warm harbor. As long as you stare at the "H", you will recognize it is a window with heavy snow flying outside. The image sits between abstraction/realism. Actually, it is a response to Lacan's gaze and also reflects a new way of seeing.

   Landscape (visual dynamic)


                 A Small Carpet


   Drop of Water texture)  

                                    Catch the Sun

When the sun shines through the window on the faucet, I gently rotate its direction. Then the wall reflected a beam of light.



She has long wavy hair, soft but determined eyes, and most importantly, her unique dark green. Siren— Starbucks logo, a two-tailed mermaid with a perfect face. She has  attracted millions of people to Starbucks. As Starbucks' coffee empire has expanded, it has gained popularity. Of course, it is not only Starbucks coffee that is popular around the world, but also its products.

The following three pictures are my decoration of different surfaces with different materials. With different functions, the meaning is different.


With chocolate as the material, I created this piece. The process of making is like an adult playing with Lego.


Edit Door + Scarf = Deconstruction 

A painting should be hung on the wall, not upside down the ceiling; a scarf should be worn around the neck rather than in a frame; "frame" isn't really a frame, it's the Edit Door; finally, even the photo is negative space. These seemingly absurd combinations have a wonderful harmony! 

This photo not only shows negative space, but also conveys the concept. In fact, photography to me is not a record but an art.


When "greed" "nihility" "slander" "envy" "pain" and so on are accidentally released by Pandora as gifts, there is still "hope" left in the box. Even if disaster has befallen the human world, but before the death, hope always exists.  Therefore, whatever the predicament, it is the only consolation in all human misfortunes. Here, the light is cast on the hope like moonlight. They symbolize that nothing can stop the light of hope as mankind passes through the dark years.

Fold flower of hope inspired by post-it notes. The design could perhaps be used as a pattern for a mouse pad or something.

These above photos come from observing and capturing everyday things. For example, handrails. During the pandemic, I went up and downstairs every day for about a week taking snapshots from a different perspective. When I opened my phone album a week later, I was surprised by the permutations and inspired to think about how to achieve 3D in 2D. In addition, I like negative space and have a passion for shapes. Frankly, it has seep from my painting to photography and transitioned to design. But no matter what the field, I always believe that "less is more."

In the group discussion, I shared most of the images and mentioned my thoughts. I wanted to implement minimalism again in this assignment and use rectangle to get creative. Thanks to Lina and Xim for their understanding and support!

Part 2: Consolidate at every step

It was a past event, however, that reminded me of the 卍. Many years ago, I visited a temple with a friend. At the ceremony that day, I saw with my own eyes the 卍 in the right hand of the abbot, shining with gold. I don't think it's false, but I can't believe it's true. I was confused by it until I incorporated this feeling into the design. So, it's fantastic!


I made good use of points, lines, and surfaces. A large square is faintly divided into several small squares of equal size. These squares form rectangles of different sizes. They are interrelated and independent. Because of the flexibility of the design, I can freely fill them with color. But color is not the point of this work, so I removed the frame. As a result, I got two different design schemes:

A. Multiply the pattern geometric growth and use it as a fabric surface;

B. Let it be separately attached to the surface of building materials, such as tiles, floor tiles, etc., to play a decorative role in the house (you can imagine).

Definitely, the final design (see the beginning of the post) is the result of my many attempts.


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