
A 10: Reverse Eng. Object: HD Render and Exploded View

 One by One The piece is a recreation of the original. If the former’s image is a Christmas tree, then this is a red dress.   Both are creative living, more like dressed up twins. Sister, radiant during the Christmas season, and the younger sister will be favored by the bride. They are similar in appearance but different in “personality”. Since the former has photos in a previous blog, I will show the latter from multiple views here. I tried to create a stage-like effect by combining the background and lighting. The red dress is the protagonist. It reminds me of the Chinese bride. On the wedding day, the red dress is one of their indispensable clothes. Most of their dowries are red, including toiletries. Where there is a wedding, there is a party. Immediately, some pairs of dancing men and women came to my mind.  Maybe I'm making hollow containers, so they become one of my works. Of course, this could also be sculpture or other art. A love Story I could go on with this project, but

A9: Reverse Eng. Object: Process II

  All Roads Leads to Roma The "Shell" failed because of the irregular shape of the bottle.  When looking for a new approach, I asked myself whether to copy the original or to recreate it. Although the object is perfect from concept to design, the obstacle I faced was probably also an opportunity, not to mention the screw I had to eliminate. Is that whimsical? Until I remembered the stopper. It will not leak as long as it is firmly stuffed. When I thought of the bridal bouquet, I had an idea for the plug. This "six-petal flower" anaphora a lily, which means a long and happy marriage.   It is imprinted on the mouth of the bottle. (slot for the stopper) At this time, I suddenly remembered that I own a white thermos, a German brand, small and delicate.  Thus, I came up with the idea of making the liner:  first, drill a hole into it with a cylinder the same diameter as the original bottle, and then "explode" to remove the parts I didn't need; ​secondly, to

A8: Reverse Eng.Object: Process I

  Itch to Have a Try After measuring the parts, I was eager to try. I was most interested in the tree trunk, so I produced it first. Then, "Dup"-> "BooleanDifference" ->"Cap". However, I couldn't use the "shell" command.  In addition, it seems to me that the "tree" has a short neck, and "wearing" screw is like wearing "yoke". I set aside these annoying questions for a moment and start from its head. I tried the "Shell" again. It still didn't work. Is there nothing I can do? PS: The marks in the image are all actual sizes, and I used "Trace Background Bitmap"for some parts.

A7: Reverse Engineered Object: Selection

   The Compass It’s my cup tea! The design of the compass is simple and unique. It holds the pencil in place by tightening the screw, rather than shoving the lead into the compass. Unfortunately, I can't take it apart. Maybe the quality is good or it's old. Straw Cup   As one of the mass-produced industrial products, its design is excellent. Open its cap and the straw helps the baby drink easily under the action of the gravity ball.  In addition, the double handle allows the baby to switch between left and right hands at will.  It is worth mentioning that the cup is easy to clean as well as easy to use. Hand Sanitizer Bottle This bottle is similar to the compass but more advanced. Because it is both functional and artistic. Its appearance is like a Christmas tree, pleasing to the eye; concave-convex pattern and gradual design are intriguing. I was attracted to it at one glance, and it has been with me for two years.    Undoubtedly, reversal is another way I love it.

A6: Laster Cut Sample

Kill Two Birds With One Stone I've ever been influenced by Mondrian's paintings. In his eyes, everything could be reduced to the horizontal and vertical lines; all colors are red, yellow and blue. His magical ability to simplify things fascinated me! Inspired by Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow , I created a bold design (blog 2), and what you see here is my first product. However, I need to break the rules again, and I muttered to myself,“ 一生二,二生三,三生万物。”(  “One is the child of the divine law. After one come two, after two come three, after three come all thing” ). It’s an important thought of Chinese traditional culture. The red line will be cut by a laser, producing two objects at once.  I want to see the actual effect before laser cutting. The left image will be a coaster and the right image a bookmark. I hope they are wood. Clearly, the negative space is crucial here. The piece will become one of my typical works.          PS: I was absent from this class, thanks to

A4: 2D Surface Design

  “There is a process behind every design work — a thought process. The process goes beyond design itself.”                     卍 Swastika The piece combines personal belief and religion, and is an innovative of the 卍 (two Z right turns). 卍, the symbol of Buddhism, means auspicious. The design adds two short lines and one long line at each of the four ends of the 卍, and there is no frame around it, which symbolizes infinite beauty. Meanwhile, negative space, color gradient and visual illusion are used to create a low-relief effect. It will be widely used  to construction, clothing, home decoration and other fields. This blog contains two parts: photos and design. The former is the inspiration for the latter. Peer feedback provided an essential reference when discussing feasibility options. Part 1: Ten Photos     Easy and Casual Shooting (handrails)      The Letter “H” When I was in the process of editing the photo on my computer, I accidentally got the "H". Maybe it is a par